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Try the Prototype

Enter a twelve-character System for Award Management Unique Entity Identifier (SAM UEI) in the form below, press Try It!, evaluate the output and then send us feedback. This is a prototype. It is meant for testing (please test).

You can change the SAM UEI above

Feedback Questions

1Did you experience system errors or issues with functionality?
2If you use an accessibility product (e.g., screen reader, magnifier, Braille display), did you experience issues accessing document content?
3To what extent does the output meet your needs for preparing and/or performing determinations on the responsibility of prospective suppliers?
4What other content do you wish to be included within this document?
5How would you prefer to access this tool? Are there any ways you think are not great ways to offer the tool? Different ways could be via SharePoint link, email, commercial website, a contract writing system, and/or any other method you can think of.
6What other suggestions do you have, or what else would you like to tell us?